Monday, December 21, 2009

Using the internet to improve your English

We know from the letters and emails we receive here at the BBC that many listeners have access to the internet. The internet, perhaps more than any other learning tool, has had a huge impact on language learning. It is now possible to access authentic English language material in many parts of the world. So how can you make the most of the web to help your English studies?
Here, Beth Neher gives her advice for learners who want to use the internet to improve their English.
Before you read the extract Do you have access to the internet? If you do, which sites do you find most helpful for your English study? If you don’t, can you imagine how you could use the internet to help you learn English?

Obviously, the internet has created a revolution in language learning. Now more people than ever before have access to English language material, 24 hours a day. However, the world wide web does have its disadvantages for learners. I think the very fact that there is so much can make finding useful and relevant information very difficult.There’s a lot of useful stuff on the web, but also a lot of trash. So you really need to find a way of weeding out what is relevant to
you. Also, many of the English language learning sites I’ve looked at are very repetitive.They provide some worksheets to complete but they don’t necessarily help learners understand English better or think about how to use the grammar they are practising in a meaningful way. However, as a teacher, I think the greatest advantage which the internet can give to learners is to communicate with others – in chatrooms, for example – and to work with real, authentic texts such as online newspapers. It’s possible for online work to be interesting, creative and really meaningful.
  1. Beth mentions two problems which can occur when you use the internet to help you learn English.What are they?
  2. Find two things which you can do to help with your English studies.


  1. It can be difficult to find what you are looking for. Some sites are not very useful.
  2. You can use chatrooms to communicate with other learners.You can access English language newspapers.

So what are the best ways of using the internet to help your English? Here are our top tips!

Log on to the BBC Learning English website! The BBC website has an area especially dedicated to English learners.As well as information about programmes, you will find learning resources such as worksheets and help with vocabulary.There is also a chat area where you can chat online with listeners in other countries. Finally, you’ll find links to other websites which can help you.The address is

Use your search engine If you want to find other sites, think about the words you need to use in your search engine. For international search engines, try typing in the letters EFL (English as a Foreign Language) or ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) followed by what you are interested in (for example, EFL grammar).This will help you find sites which are especially dedicated to English learners.

Access authentic material Most newspapers, magazines and TV and radio stations now have their own websites. So, if English language newspapers are expensive in your country, why not access them via the internet? Remember to limit your reading. Choose one or two articles or pages which you find interesting, print them out and study them in more detail when you aren’t online!

Log on to the BBC Learning English website. Leave us a message telling us what you think of the Self Study booklet.


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