Monday, December 21, 2009

Making the most of your dictionary

When they begin to learn English, many learners buy a dictionary. But what makes a good dictionary? And how can you use it best for self study?

In the following extract, Beth Neher talks about the advantages – and disadvantages – of dictionaries.

Before you read the extract You can find many things in a dictionary apart from the meaning of the words you are looking up.Try to make a list of the different kinds of information a dictionary can give you. How many of your ideas do you find in the extract?

Dictionaries can be really useful, but they can be problematic too, particularly if the student is using a bilingual dictionary. As a teacher, I really dislike those new electronic dictionaries because they often give the students misleading information. For example, if a word has more than one meaning, the bilingual dictionary may make a list of possible translations and it’s impossible for the student to choose which one is right. On the other hand, if there is only one meaning, the bilingual dictionary is a very quick and easy way of finding a definition. So yes, a good bilingual dictionary is fine. But I’d always recommend learners to have a monolingual dictionary, that is one where the explanations are in English too.This is because they normally give you so much more information.You can find out, for example, what part of speech a word is – a noun, a verb, etc.You can also find out where the stress is in the word and if there is anything you have to do to use it in a sentence. For example, you might learn the word ‘depend’ but you need to know that, in a sentence, you would usually need to say ‘depend on’. For example, ‘Learning English depends on a lot of factors’. And yes, you find out if a word has more than one meaning, but each one is usually given in an example sentence and so you know which meaning you’re looking for.

  1. Beth mentions one advantage and one disadvantage of bilingual dictionaries.What are they?
  2. Beth talks about four different types of information which you can find in monolingual dictionaries. What are they?


  • Advantage: they can be quick and easy to use. Disadvantage: if a word has more than one meaning, it is difficult to work out which meaning is the one you need.
  • You can find ...
    • what part of speech the word is (noun, verb, etc.).
    • how to say the word (word stress).
    • how to put the word into a sentence.
    • explanations of different meanings of the same word.

So how can you make the most of your dictionary to help improve your English? Here are some ideas.

Buy the dictionary which is best for you There are many dictionaries available and you need to make sure that the one you buy is the one you need for your situation. If you are buying a monolingual (English / English) dictionary, check that you can understand the definitions. Remember that it is possible to buy different levels of dictionaries and, if you buy one which is too complex, you are unlikely to use it.Also, think about where you are going to use the dictionary. For example, if you study on the way to work or school, a large, heavy dictionary is not practical because it will be too heavy to carry.

Double check definitions If you use a bilingual dictionary, try to remember to check meanings twice. Look up the English word and find the word in translation in your own language.Then look up the translation which the dictionary has given you. Is it the same as the English word you looked up originally? This is especially important if your dictionary gives you more than one possible translation of an English word.

Use your dictionary to correct your grammar Remember that most monolingual dictionaries give you information about the grammar of words. For example, they will tell you what the past tense of a verb is or which preposition is needed if you want to use the word in a sentence. Use your dictionary as a source of information
about grammar and pronunciation as well as to help you with the meanings of words.

Write down five words which you have learnt recently.Try to make sure that you have a mix of types of words (nouns, verbs, adverbs, etc). Now write five sentences. Each sentence must contain one of your new words.When you have written your sentences, look up each word in the dictionary. Check ...
• your understanding Did you use the word correctly?
• your spelling Did you spell the word correctly?
• your grammar Did you write an accurate sentence for each word?


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